
Sunday, March 04, 2012

Gold Rush

So silence is, what, over $1700 an ounce. However, with my annoying friend, silence is a lot cheaper. More like aluminum foil – very crinkly and as disturbing as chewing on it.

The price for gold is so high that people are doing all sorts of crazy things. Oh sure, you can go various places and, for example, “
buy gold at Golden Eagle”. Yet, many folks are more interested in selling their personal items for profit.

Recently, I saw Goldilocks go into pawn shop that advertised high dollars for your golden goodies. She walked out a short time later with her head shaven and her purse bulging with money. As sunlight bounced off her bare cranium and onto the side of the building, she said, "This experience will give me time to reflect."

Rapunzel heard about Goldilocks’s financial windfall, and set about coloring her brunette tresses into a radiant golden blonde. However, when she went into the same place, they told Rapunzel that her plating was much too thin to amount to much.

I'm hoping for a time when silver is rage and costs thousands of dollars an ounce. Perhaps then I can turn my graying locks into retirement money. Although I'm sure they have a policy against buying fools gold.

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