
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Two Milestones

Last night, my Alexa dropped by 81,293 to 881,420. Of course, three points do not a trend make ... unless you're in politics. Still, a forth reading will help determine a general direction and perhaps a little predictability. At this point, I hope PPP changes nothing about Alexa. The standards have changed enough to make this pay-for-blogging more frustrating than it should be. Now I need all the help that I can get.

Last night, I also set up an account with to create my own domains. Now that learning curve starts and a three month deadline looms to get my blogs in place. I'll release links to my site(s) when they have a little substance to them, ok?

Ok, I can't resist! Here is an extremely rough forecast for this coming week's score. The green is the more conservative forecast, while the blue line is the closest matching to current scores:

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