
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Virtual Pain

More and more, virtual worlds like Second Life are mirroring the real world. For example, a Philharmonic Orchestra will be conducting a concert in the Second Life world. Tickets are on sale as you read this. Major car companies like Ford and Toyota have set up presence in these virtual worlds to sell virtual cars to virtual people. You can even buy real estate, which I think should be called fake estate or fantasy estate. But it is for sale when you transfer your real money into the virtual tender. There are even some greedy government officials (including those in the United States) who are considering taxing the transactions in these worlds with bills to be paid in real-world money ... naturally.

Where is this all going? I don't know. I guess I don't understand the idea of grinding away for 10 to 12 hours at my real-world job, only to come home and spend a couple more hours doing the same thing in a virtual world ... because it's fun? If I have my choice between this and a prickly heat rash, I am going to have to choose the latter, less painful option. But then, that's just me.


Anonymous said...

Gah, Second Life is the most boring 'game' I've had the displeasure of trying out. I know some people actually making money in it, but I just can't force myself to play it that much.

Anonymous said...

Second Life is a fun game to play. If you have time to invest into this game, you can make your own fun. Maybe even a source of income as one of my friend!

Anonymous said...

Such a nice article buddy
Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Second life is a fun game! Virtual reality is what I love most here! I have just leased a land for a couple of hard earned lindens! wohoo