
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Garden Of My Life

Lately, as I walk through my own particular garden of life, I seem to be stepping in a lot of manure. I say "manure" because of the positive connotations of the word. Even though I feel like I'm wading waste deep in the muck of past decisions, I'm hoping that happier times are being fertilized for future cultivation. Either that or I'm just a blooming idiot and am reaping what I unwittingly sowed. (Note to self: start using an industrial-strength pooper scooper more often.)

1 comment:

goldengoddess said...

Though your "garden of life" may have occasional patches of manure in it, you can look forward to the bounty of the harvest. How so?

I once heard a story about two children who were placed in separate rooms to observe their reactions.

The first child was placed in a room full of toys, treats and delights beyond all imagination. The second was placed in a room full of horse manure. Both children were left alone for a time to reflect.

Upon checking in on the first child, the response was one of extreme boredom. When asked what caused such boredom the child said, "I've play with all of it and there is nothing more to do. I'm bored!"

However, upon checking in on the second child, the response was that of sheer delight! When asked what caused such happiness the child said, "Where there's this much poop, there's got to be a pony!"

Thanks for the chuckle, and thanks for reminding me that no matter how full of "poop" our lives get at times, there are still ponies running wild! ;)