
Monday, February 20, 2012

Triangle Direct Media

Have you ever worked with or for someone who is a true professional? While he or she treats you with complete respect, your relationship is purely business. You tend to regard them completely in a no-nonsense manner, forgetting that they are also human beings with family and friends outside of your time together. The focus is on getting the job done, and not about how your family is doing, or about the score of last night's game.

Then there's that unexpected moment when you discover something personal about them. Suddenly you have a new found respect as you learn about their quiet humanitarian undertakings. It's not that you didn't think they were capable of selfless acts of kindness. It's just that the time you spent with them had conditioned you to think otherwise.

I recently experienced such a sense of awe about a company that I have been dealing with for the past five years. In fact, my respect for triangle direct media has increased when I learned of their work with other businesses to the battle the horrific practice of child trafficking. I've included a link so that you can learn more and hopefully help fight this hideous slavery.

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