
Friday, February 17, 2012

I Get To Play With Jeremy Lin ... sort of.

Given all the recent news stories about Jeremy Lin, ESPN may have won the award for the most insensitive story title. Of course, it could be worse. So far, no one has made any indiscretionary remarks that relate Mr. Lin’s heritage to his driving (on the court) skills, or to his crashing (into the board) moments.

Perhaps I should say “Lindiscretionary comments”. The news writers are having a field-day with Mr. Lin’s name: literary gems such as “Linderella” and even “Va-Lin-tine’s Day”. Being the smart fortune cookie that he is (sorry, couldn’t resist), Jeremy has cashed in on the fun by applying for a trademark on “Linsanity”.

What’s next with this “Lincredible” amount of word play? After acquiring caseloads of basketball trophies, will Mr. Lin follow the path of other successful sports stars and branch out into the fashion world? If so, should we expect Jeremy’s merchandise to have tag lines such as “hang your exquisite dress on a clothes-Lin”?

Of course, all superstars have downturns in their career. When Jeremy starts having off-days, will the sports writers refer to his Linability to maintain a perfect record?

What happens when Jeremy weds and brings upon himself that dreaded prospect of divorce? Should his marriage take an unfortunate turn, will the former Mrs. Lin sue Jeremy for a-Lin-mony?

Let’s hope not. This outrageous play on words is just pLin, I mean, plain silly. If you didn't like this post, I'm sorry. Please accept my deepest apo-Lin-gies.

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