
Sunday, February 26, 2006

what an amazing past three days!!

Friday, "she" finally drives here to sign the loan paperwork and gets money that I tried to get to her back in July. Unfortunately, her lawyer has a thing for power trips and interferes at every step. But Friday, sweet Friday, the finance company, my lawyer, and myself have done everything possible and "she" gets her ass here! I had made arrangements so "she" could sign the papers only a couple of hours from her home. But she has caused so many problems for EVERYONE that she had to travel almost six hours to here to get her money. You would not believe the stories that she told to explain why she didn't keep Monday's appointment. While I didn't bring up my notes on everything that happened, I can't help but want to show them to her and exposed her lies. Should I?

In any case, as she and I chatted, it seemed so surreal. I kept finding myself looking deeply into her and couldn't believe that I had married this woman 27 years ago! What an idiot I was! And finally she left, to return to her home with over $11,000 in hand. She'll get another $7400 on Wednesday after the three business day period ends on another loan that I had to take out. For the record, I also agreed to $1200 a month in child support even though I make less than $40,000 a year so I could get her out of my life. Why do divorces cost so much? Because they are $%^#$%# worth it!!

Anyway, an hour later, I was buying a bottle of liquor to celebrate later on with my girlfriend. The lady at the counter said that I had a special glow about me and asked if something special had happened. I told her that, after a ten year battle, I was finally divorced! She laughed and said that she would have never now that way that I had acted in the past. I'm glad that I can conceal my problems from others.

Regardless, my girlfriend lives a couple of hours away and arrive later that night. Though we have been dating over a year, Sunday was the first time that she met one of my sister. This was possible only because my sister had traveled to Charlotte on business. We traveled a little over two hours to see my sister and had a great time doing so! So begins another page in my life.

Of course, I had to take time off from my second and third job to make this weekend happen but it was soooooo worth it! I'm getting there! I AM GETTING MY LIFE BACK!

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