
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Sister

Tonight, I learned that my sister has cancer. She told my other sisters excepted for the youngest. Naturally, we are all very worried. More so because, four years ago, we all spent a year trying to help our mother survive the rages of leukemia and then watch her die a few days before her 66th birthday.

This is a short entry for now. I'll expand this as details become available.

17 Feb: Good News!! The doctor told her that it is a non invasive breast cancer that they caught very early! (They found it to be papillary intraductal arinoma & papillary ductal arinoma cancer). She goes for surgery on March 7th, then starts radiation Monday & Wednesday for about 25 treatment. She is in good spirits and very relieve by what her doctors told her. She joked about how the treatment was going to make one breast perky, so she asked if they could do both sides. I told that I was outside when I noticed a lump on my breast that morning. I soon realized that it was due to chilly morning. Fortunately, she is use to my humor.

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