
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Teens In The Fast Lane

Teens can be so cute when they get to age of driving an automobile. Their entire attitude undergoes a miraculous transformation when they believe they can be licensed to control several tons of metal, plastic and glass at high rates of speed. This is in stark contrast to the lack of control they seem to have over the tons of metal, plastic and glass that accumulate in their bedrooms. Apparently, the only difference is the presence of gasoline. And from the horrific sight of some teens’ bedrooms, I would be more than happy to chip in for a gallon or two of gas to get that fire started.

Regardless, there is something magical when you see a teenager's eyes fixate on those car keys. I say magical because when you dangle those car keys over their heads, they suddenly possess the speed and ambition not normally seen around times when dishes need to be washed or when homework needs to be done. Yes, those keys possess a magic that you won't find in any pixie dust or witch’s wand.

What about when that fateful day of the driving test arrives?  You can tell which teenagers have learned to stand on their own two feet – they're the ones who failed the test. But even if they passed the exam and the state foolishly grants them a license, you as a parent, as a responsible adult, as a gatekeeper of all that is precious and holy, still have the power to keep your hormonal raging child from becoming a road raging, driving fool. All it takes, my friend, is two words, two very simple yet extremely powerful words. When they come to you, whining in voices that make nails on a chalkboard a very welcomed sound and ask why can't they drive the car, all you have to say is "car insurance."

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