
Monday, November 01, 2010

Buying verses living in a tent

There’s nothing like the joys of home ownership in America. You get to spend your almost joyous days collecting the trash and doggie offerings left by your fellow, responsible neighbors. You get to reconsider the value of voting as your friendly neighborhood politician raises your property taxes. (After all, you own a home so you must be well off enough to fund the latest vote-getting project.) And don't forget your ever so helpful bureaucrats at City Hall who justify their jobs by legislating what you can and cannot do with your own property. Add to all of this the recent revelations that banks may not have been as honest in their dealings with you as you hoped they would be.

But we Americans seem to be addicted with buying homes. The latest goings-on in the news almost make you want to reconsider and check into a residential rehab for homeowners who are ready kick the habit. Of course, this means moving into a tent somewhere deep in the woods. But no one said rehabilitation is easy.

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