
Friday, May 16, 2008

No Riots To Report In January

I wrote this post in January but have kept it private as I agonized over making it public. The last thing I want to do is upset someone who was born without a sense of humor. Usually they're the ones who make up for their defect by introducing you to their lawyer or their gun collection. So last week, I showed my private work to friends whom this post might affect. They laughed and encouraged me to publish it. Ok then. There shouldn't be any law suits or gun play. Besides, enough time has passed since January that the humorless won't get this.

Anyway, near my home is a florist run by an elderly couple. Nice people but sometimes you have to wonder if they should just retire and grow plants instead of dealing with the public every day. In mid January of this year, they advertised the most unusual of arrangements -- a bouquet of fluffy cotton, colorfully adorned with tiny yellow, red and violet flowers. I don't think that they realize the timing of this floral offering because nothing says "Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day" better than a bouquet of cotton when given in the South. The scary part was they also had watermelon scented candles in the shape of a cross for sale. Surprisingly, no one associated their merchandise with January's governmentally mandated MLK holiday. No riots took place. Just an incident by some confused people who were against picketing but didn't know how to show it.

So all is well. It was simply my warped humor that put two innocent events together. I understand that the candles sold very well during Easter...


Anonymous said...

I read your post and understand more or less. Thanks for your post.

Anonymous said...

Hi there... blog hopping here. Nice meeting you and hope to hear from you too soon.

Anonymous said...

HI there.. nice meeting you and hope you will drop by at my place some time. Take care.

goldengoddess said...

LOL! You are bad! I love it that you see the humor in so many things. Thanks for sharing. :)

This reminds me of the time my young son sat innocently in Denny's restaurant with a white napkin over his face. Normally it wouldn't be so different, but this particular day he had poked a hole for both his eyes and one for his mouth. Needless to say we promptly had him remove the napkin as we were in the midst of a multi-cultural crowd. My ex husband found it hilarious at the time, however I just wanted to hide under the table!