
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Radar Detectors

If the public radio airwaves are in fact public, then why is it that a few states have made owning radar detectors illegal? The only reason that I can imagine that would justify such un-American legislation is so that these governments can maximize their coffers. So what other options do we have?

Many years ago while in the Air Force, I worked on aircraft navigational systems which included various radar systems. I had the privilege of working with people much smarter than I am. One such gentlemen spent his spare time going beyond radar detection for cars to radar jamming devices. In one experiment, he borrowed a radar gun from his buddy who was in the military police. Unfortunately, my friend's jammer didn't jam his buddy's radar gun. Instead, my friend's device ended up frying the gun.

Anyway, I'm not saying that you have to resort tactics such as jamming. It's just too bad that we couldn't jam thievery posing as law.

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