
Saturday, February 16, 2013

What happens if you don't pay your bills

Back in 2010, the movie "The Last Exorcism" demonized movie screens across the county. In a couple of weeks, lusting after your theater money is - that's right - another "The Last Exorcism". Apparently, 'last' doesn't mean the same as 'final'.

This 'last' not being THE LAST is enough to make your head spin ... round and around and around. What could this last last movie be about? Maybe someone didn't not make that last payment to their exorcist. Now they have a ding on their credit report and their soul repossessed.

I haven't seen the movie poster. But if it has the tagline: "Once the bank gets your soul, you'll have a devil of a time getting it back", you'll know I'm right.


Cperz said...

With the vast improvements in special effects I suspect many of us that are squeamish won't be able to get through this one without hiding our eyes. I am surprised that it isn't in 3D to really drive the disgusting factor up a notch.

Anon A. Mus said...

I understand that the movie does have a horrifying 3-D effect. I believe the technical term is "watching yourself handing over $12 to watch the movie" effect.