
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Looking, nah, Listening Into Podcasting

How do you put 3 long, tortuous hours a day (my commute to and from work) to good use? This year, I ended up converting my car into a "Educational Vehicle of Escape" by putting the "Downcast" app on my iPhone.

Radio and TV and Cable have had their influential moments in the sun. These days, the latest media of persuasion, entertainment, and learning has become podcasts.

So far these past 9 months, I've traveled with Adam Carolla, Kevin Pollack, Larry Miller, and Penn Jillet as they put their comedic interviews online.

I'm learning the craft of writing from "I Should Be Writing" and "The Writing Show". And, thanks to the discussion groups broadcasted by "Nerdist Writers Panel", I have an intriguing insider's look on how famous writers create those successful movies and TV shows.

The only downside is that I now need more time to spend listening to these and many more podcasts.

Of course, you have to wonder: How expensive is it to have a show on the Internet? Is anyone making money?

According various remarks made different people during their podcasts, their programs are very profitable. In fact, a little research shows that you and I could make our own engaging episodes. All we need is a mixer board, some mics, perhaps a web cam, and software. In fact, with a $150 plug-and-play system such asavid pro tools and some Internet bandwidth, we could be in business today. Then, with a little self-promotion and a lot of attention-grabbing shows, we can attract a big enough audience to have sponsors lavish our efforts with lots of money. See how easy that was!

So my "Educational Vehicle of Escape" has been quite an educational experience. As soon as I get a moment, I'll put my knowledge into action and retire soon after. Hopefully before I hit 70.

1 comment:

Cperz said...

Three hours a day commuting!!! OMG, I can't imagine. Very impressive that you are using the time to learn things. I tend to listen to music and amuse myself by singing or listening to audio tapes. I learn nothing but entertain myself immensely.

The one blaring negative to me doing any type of a podcast that people might listen to while driving is that falling asleep at the wheel is highly discouraged.