
Sunday, September 05, 2010

Halloween as a retirement fund raiser

Halloween is coming up and my grandson is at that unfortunate age where his mom plans to dress him up in one embarrassing outfit or another. The embarrassing part will take place years from now, when pictures of his halloween costumes might be shown to his potential girlfriends while saying sugary sweet comments like, "He was as cute as a young Justin Bieber that Halloween." (Of course, by that time that comment gets uttered, Justin Bieber may be the crazed Mel Gibson of his day.)

The good news is that my grandson won't have any memories of being dressed up in clothing that he would never wear, or of being paraded from house to house in search of candy that he will never eat. So now is the time to get the pictures and videos of blackmail quality. I've got to fund my retirements years some how...

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