
Sunday, March 01, 2009

What Do You Buy For a SuperStar?

Sometimes I find myself thinking about questions that have ethical dilemmas. Just the other day, I found myself wondering about all of these professional athletes who are earning millions of dollars for being able to play with a ball or a stick. When it comes time for Christmas or their birthdays, what sort of presents do their friends and family buy them? Would it be an insult to spend the few measly dollars that you have on sports gifts for these overpaid entertainers? Would it be like buying a set of Wal-Mart's specially priced knives to give a world-class chef?

I'm sorry. I shouldn't pick on our highly paid athletes. But it's not like a multimillion dollar superstar is going to read this. They do know how to read, right?


Anonymous said...

That's why people say it's the thought that counts. You would get them something that they couldn't get themselves either because they don't know how to, or because they just don't have the time (this could even be hand-made). Or you get them something that you know they like, and probably don't know about.

Anonymous said...

get them whatever you feel like they would like or deserve. as the first commenter says, its the thought that counts, it doesn't matter if they like it or not, the only thing that matters is that they know you remembered and bought something for them.

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