
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Instant Weight Loss

I think that the Earth is getting heavier as time goes by. Maybe you have noticed this effect as well. When I compare my weight to what I was in my 20s, I have undeniable proof that this is happening.

To counteract the Earth's tug on me, I tried using weight loss pills Unfortunately every time I lost the pounds, I ended up putting them back on. I was working in a lost-and-found that the time. My boss would say, "Hey, these pounds look familiar. Are they yours?" Of course they were so I would reluctantly put them back on.

I have the perfect idea for weight loss. We simply take all the billions of dollars spent on dieting and develop a space program to send out Mt. Everest into space. We'll instantly be a lot lighter and without any of the effort. Remember, you read it here first.


Anonymous said...

This looks like a great resource.I'm very interesting to read your blog. Thanks for posting this.
okinawa prints

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Great way to celebrate Earth Day... help our planet lose weight and give it a much needed makeover by removing that "mountain" of a zit off its face... So then we'd all have to figure out what's the second tallest mountain in the world. Nobody knows what that is! I think second place always gets the shaft, agreed?

Anon A. Mus said...

Hi Okinava! Thank you for stopping by!

Hello Rudy! Great question. I've learned that K2, next door to Mt. Everest, is the 2nd tallest mountain according the latest measurements (Oct. 1987). And you are right about 2nd place. Does this mean then that second place is really first place among losers?