
Saturday, February 26, 2011

fighting the wall of words

I guess I could apologize for the previous post (which would be the next post after this one due to the wonderful ordering in the nature of blogs). But sometimes these writing assignments get to be a bit much. While they have helped put food on the table and gas in the tank of my family, of friends and of myself, they're not as rewarding as they once were. Looking at my last notes, I earn about two dollars an hour to try and work in references to body blubber, pills to fight body blubber, ravaged skin, and various insurances.

In between these posts about stuff going in and on your body and out of your wallet, I worked add entries about everything else. The most frustrating part is trying to capture the fleeting ideas I have throughout the day. More often than not, these ideas end up disappearing from a mind like fog on a sunny morning. I remember having them, but as to their nature and form – I might as well not have had that brain electricity at all.

Oh well, on to the battle to prevent this blog from becoming a "wall of words".

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