
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pimple Power

Even when you cross that half-century mark of age, you're still plagued by random cases of acne. The thing about these pimples is that they tend to appear all over your body. While you can find information on top acne treatment for your face, there doesn't seem to be anything for bottom acne treatment. This is understandable. You shouldn't have to worry about people seeing the pimples on your butt ... unless you live in a nudist colony.

In any case, as an adult with a obvious pimple on the end of your nose, you can have an advantage in public situations. It's not like when you were a teenager and you didn't want people fixating on your facial train wreck of a skin condition. Now, as an adult standing in front of a room full of important business people, you can count on them staring at that painful looking rhino growth. Like a hypnotic wand, you point with your nose. You direct your audience's attention with your nose. When you want your audience to unconsciously agree with you, you slowly move your nose up and down while watching your public nod their head as they track your newly acquired albeit temporary facial deformity. When that happens, you'll realize that there is power behind the pizza face!

1 comment:

topeak bike tools said...

Great stuff!