
Friday, October 09, 2009

Medical Travel

A few years ago, NPR did a series on the high cost of medical practices in America. One piece that caught my attention was on medical travel --- people traveling to another country, getting their surgery taken care of in a safe, sterile hospital and end up spending less money than what what they would have getting things done at home with their insurance deductibles. Several Asian countries are actually setting facilities to handle this influx of demand from Americans. AND they -- the doctors, the hospitals, the care givers --- are making profits. How they can do this with efficiencies that revival the DMV, with the costs and red-tape that best any Amereican government agency, and without the nanny-state regulations we have here?


Print Brochures said...

This is an interesting topic. People travel to get more affordable medical services. Don't you think they are spending more with the travel expenses and medical fees?

Charlie said...

But did NPR give equal treatment to the number of patients who cross the borders to this country for care. For instance, since Canada rations care, including equipment, patients come to the US for MRIs.