
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Story: the inconsistencies

To make a religion work, you have to fleece your flock so that they smile while you take of their lives and property. You simply get them to ignore the inconsistencies and relish the guilt. The christians have done a great job because, for two millennia, the new testament stories have been read and defended in spite of serious flaws. Of course, the danger lies in those thinkers among us, who point out the silliness and the fallacies.

In Matthew's gospel (28):
-Mary Magdalene and Mary went to the tomb
- An angel was there sitting on the stone that he had rolled away from sealing the tomb.
- The angel sends Mary and Mary to Galilee to the disciples.
- Along the way, Jesus appears to both Mary and Mary.
- The guards of the tomb were there in a great deal of shock --- "became as dead men". But after the angel and the Marys left, they were able to get back to town to report what they had seen.

In Mark's gospel (16):
- Mary Magdalene and Mary and Salome went to the tomb
- Inside the tomb, they found a young man sitting on the right,
- This man sent Mary and Mary to Galilee to the disciples.
- Jesus appears only to Mary Magdalene.
- No mention of guards.

In Luke (24):
- Four women went to tomb, these women being: "Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James; also the other women with them"
- As they found the tomb empty, two men appeared near them
- These men send the women to Galilee
- Jesus appears to no one
- After hearing the women's story, Peter goes right away to the tomb
- no mention of guards

In John (20):
- Only Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb
- She finds the inside of the tomb completely empty: no angels either
- She immediately tells the disciple, three of which run to the tomb
- They leave the tomb with Mary remaining. As she looks inside, she now sees two angel sitting.
- Jesus appears behind her at the tomb

Certainly, this would make for an interesting CSI, Law & Order, (insert your favorite crime series here) episode. However, biggest fallacy is in the basis for these Easter stories and the topic of another entry.

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