
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Do We Need Easter?

Ultimately, the purpose behind Jesus' death and resurrection is to get us into heaven. After all, for at least eight thousands years prior to Jesus, God wasn't able to come up another way. What happened to those souls in those dark years? Who knows. Only your God does. Besides, such a question is not of your concern --- if you want to blindly accept what Jesus and his heavenly father are offering.

Sorry, I have to ask.

Apparently, Moses' instituted rituals weren't good enough. Yes, 'believe and you will be saved' is much easier than sacrificing animals. Certainly, PETA members don't have to worry about having conflict of faith. Of course, 'to believe and accept' this universal offering means you have to hear about this offer. Two thousands after Jesus' actions and there are still parts of the world that haven't had this honor of learning about his offer. In fact, during that time, billions never got the chance. What happened to them? An answer would speak volumes about this god.

Forget about them. What about you and I? What kind of god demand this easy requirement for heaven? What if it's wrong? What about a "money-back guarantee"? Conveniently for "money back guaranteed" preachers, how would you collect?

In any case, there seems to be two main school of Christian. The first says that you must claim the blood of Jesus for redemption because of Adam's transgression against God. Sort of like having your great-great-great grandfather commit a murder and your just and mighty God is holding you accountable for it. Then Jesus fulfilled your prison sentence for that crime. You just have to know that he did so and then publically acknowledge support for Jesus.

Of course, how could any person claim to be just if they hold you responsible for someone's else crime?

The second school of thought doesn't deal with Adam's naughtiness. Instead the fault lies in ourselves --- we cannot hold a sight of God for it is too blinding, we can't hear a single sound from God without going completely deaf, we cannot be in God's presence for his goodness is perfect and we are not. We are on a level lower than our creator and Jesus' job is to be a ladder to get us into God' presence. We are just not good enough without Jesus. It's like having a first grader take a college math test and then be held responsible for the results. Again, this idea flies in the face of justice and it also questions the ability of a creator. What kind of person would make something less than perfect and then hold it accountable for perfection?

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