
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Watch What You Hear

Everyone at work seems to becoming more and more pessimistic about our new owners. The other day, a fellow co-worker and I were having an informal chat about a test cabinet design. Another co-worker walked by and heard us saying something about industrial knobs. He automatically assumed that it was a derogatory slam on upper management and was more than ready to give us his supporting thoughts.

I guess this is how we are all handling the stress of cutbacks and firings. We have no way of knowing who's next in this business game of employee Russian roulette. And our bosses aren't saying much. So lately we are finding it easier to exchange tales of bitterness with each other at the first chance. It may relieve a little anger but I can't see how these continued verbal outbursts are going to help the company in the long run ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Listen carefully first before you react.

AS a comopany and ahving co-employees each one must unite or work together as a team. We can't avoid having conflict from time to time. I guess its natural buty as much as possible try not to have conflict or what so ever angriness in you working environment. =)